Saturday, April 14, 2018

A random C.S. Lewis story

The name of this blog is taken from a story by C. S. Lewis, so I just wanted to take this opportunity to share a brief but AWESOME story from C. S. Lewis' life that I just read.

You may or may not know that Lewis (known to his friends as Jack so that's what we'll call him cause we're on a first name basis with the guy and you know it) was an English tutor at Oxford. And apparently he had strong feelings on the subject of poetry. Because this one time he was arguing with one of his pupils about whether or not this one poem was any good, and the pupil was having none of it. So Lewis quoted like, half the poem to him, and the pupil was like, yeah I just don't think this poem is actually that good.

So Jack was like, "The sword must settle it!"

And for some reason that no one could explain afterward, there were two swords in the corner of the room, and Jack picked them up and freaking STARTED FENCING WITH HIS PUPIL. LIKE THEY LEGIT HAD A FENCING MATCH RIGHT THERE IN THE CLASSROOM.

This is my new favorite thing ever.

That's all. Have a good day.

(Also if you're wondering, this book is The Inklings by Humphrey Carpenter and yes, I recommend it.)

Until tomorrow.

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