Quests and Quandaries by Alda Yuan
Title: Quests and Quandaries
Series: The Floating Isles (Book 1)
Author: Alda Yuan
Publisher: Khanda Books
Published: 2018
Before progressing any further, I would like to define the word "wack" as used in this review. Wack: super weird, peculiar, rather odd. Okay, continue reading.
Goodreads Blurb: The Floating Isles were created millions of years ago when a beetle the size of a continent churned up mud from the seabed for a perch. And things have only gotten weirder since.This is a tongue in cheek account of a princess forced to go on a quest, very much against her will. With the proverbial band of sidekicks at her side, Rahni leaves the familiar comforts of home for the mysterious Eigen States, a place where, of course, nothing is as it seems. Or else it wouldn't be much of a quest. Rahni is determined not to let the laws of the land dictate anything, least of all how seriously she has to take the whole matter. Her dearest wish is to get through the quest with as few near scrapes and mortal enemies as possible. If she has to go on a quest, she wants it to be bland, with no nonsense about holding the fate of the world in her hands. Naturally, nothing goes quite as she plans. But what else is new?
My Thoughts: This book was a riot right from the start. Rahni, the main character, is cursed, by her own parents, to go on a quest. Apparently they were at their wits end, and hoped this was the answer. They even provide her with her quest-mates to help speed along the process, and then dump her out in the river. Honestly, they really hindered more than helped.
I loved this book. Not only were the footnotes hilarious (but hard to flip to on a kindle), but the descriptions, dialogue, and general setting was so ridiculous it was genius. The world descriptions reminded me of Terry Pratchett's Discworld. I mean, The Floating Isles are not round, but flat, and hang suspended in the air by way of massive wires. Go figure.
Goblins that wear masks to keep up appearances and refer to a storybook for guidelines? Evil Overlords that hire actors to portray them in the field? A locked up princess who killed her own monster and then made a rope of its hair? This book has them all. The scope of belief that the reader must adopt while enjoying this book is immense, and I, for one, am here for it. Also, the amount of magical swords Rahni received from completing side quests is what I wish would happen in my D&D game . . .
While I will admit that at times the story got "super wack"™, looking at you elephant goddess etc. scene, the rest of the time it kept to "pretty wack"™, which was just the right amount, in my opinion. Hats off to you Alda Yuan. (Do you prefer Alda or Yuan?)
Did I enjoy this book? Yes. Would I recommend it to my friends? Yes. Do I wish the footnotes were at the bottom of the page instead of the back of the book? YES. Alda, (I've decided we're on a first name basis apparently) I don't know if that's possible, but please look into it.